
Images and content on this website were created by myself, and all products were purchased with my own money, unless otherwise stated with an (*).
Occasionally I may be sent products to review, but will only share my own honest opinion with you once they have been fully tested, and would only recommend products that I would happily repurchase myself.

I use an affiliate program to allow companies to advertise on my blog, and want to be as open about this as possible.

If you would like to use any of my content on your own webpage please drop me an email before doing so - I'll probably say yes, as long as you include a source.

I can be contacted by email at amyalaska@live.com, or on Twitter @amyalaska

“This site earns revenue using Skimlinks. In the interests of disclosure and ethics, we want to be open about how we make money from our site. Besides display advertising and other paid sponsorships, we also sometimes get paid a commission if you purchase a product or service that we link to in our content. We want to be clear that our reviews are driven entirely by our editorial staff based on what we think. We use Skimlinks to help us automate the process of linking to products, especially as it distances our editorial staff from creating affiliate links themselves.”

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Thank you for all of your wonderful comments, I try to reply to each one individually!